Chromium Coatings: Setting the Record Straight
It is common for people to find fault with the materials used in manufacturing. In some instances, their criticisms are accurate and warranted. In others, the critics are simply misinformed. An example of the latter is the chromium coating that can be applied to...
Rolling Contact Fatigue: How to Minimize with Chromium Coatings
Companies that design or manufacture metal items like bearings, rollers, and gears are familiar with rolling contact fatigue (RCF). So are end-users of devices and equipment that use these items. Even if those users do not know RCF by name, they understand and...
Trustworthy Coatings Company: Delivering Peace of Mind
If you have ever put your young child on a school bus, you are familiar with that uncomfortable feeling of placing something precious into someone else’s care. Even if you don’t have kids or yours don’t ride the bus, you can imagine the unpleasant sensation of letting...
Meeting Your Coating Needs: From Design to Delivery
At Armoloy, we continually strive to do things “the right way.” To us, that means being proactive in a few key areas. First, we work to be a partner to our customers, not just a service provider. Second, we do everything we can to ensure our business doesn’t harm the...
How Metal Coatings Deliver Cost Savings
Companies that design, manufacture, or rely on metal parts and equipment—like all businesses—must control costs to maximize their profitability. Consequently, every enhancement to a metal asset must be worth the expense. That rule certainly applies to the application...
Supply Chain: Ensure Your Partners Are Set Up For Success
As long as there have been supply chains there have been supply chain disruptions. However, the COVID-19 pandemic exposed just how delicate supply chains can be. No longer are disruptions primarily caused by problems at the source—an issue with the mining of a...
Product Design Mistakes and Contact Fatigue: Types and Prevention
Contact fatigue is a condition in which two metal surfaces that come into contact repeatedly develop internal cracks that lead to surface pitting. It often affects curved surfaces like ball bearings and roller bearings, causing them to lose their smooth-gliding...
Metal Failure Causes: Contact Fatigue vs. Abrasion
Material failure theory is defined as “an interdisciplinary field of materials science and solid mechanics which attempts to predict the conditions under which solid materials fail under the action of external loads.” Of particular importance to many product...
Addressing Erosive Metal Failure
Under certain conditions, unprotected metal erodes. That is a fact. However, for companies that design, manufacture, or use metal parts, tools, devices, or equipment, there are two ways to deal with that fact. The first is to see the gradual deterioration of metal...
Diagnosing Erosive vs. Corrosive Metal Failure
For the designers, manufacturers, purchasers, and users of metal parts, tools, devices, and equipment, it is crucial to understand the forces that are continually at work trying to break them down. Two of those common forces are erosion and corrosion. The similarity...