Customer Coating Needs

From Design to Delivery: Meeting Our Customers’ Coating Needs, Start to Finish

meeting coating needs of cnc milling lathe machine makers

At Armoloy, we continually strive to do things “the right way.” To us, that means being proactive in a few key areas. First, we work to be a partner to our customers, not just a service provider. Second, we do everything we can to ensure our business and your coating needs don’t harm the environment. 

How does that mindset affect our operations? In several ways.

Advanced Metal Coatings: Not Just Getting By, but Getting Ahead

Service companies like ours have a choice to make about their interactions with customers. Some coatings companies choose simply to be service providers. In other words, in each project, they agree to deliver a specified number of parts coated a certain way by a specified date. At a glance, that seems like exactly what a service provider should do—provide the agreed-upon service.

We look at things a little differently. Through our extensive experience in this industry, we have found that most companies want and need more than just a service provider. To succeed, they require a coatings partner that continually looks for ways to go above and beyond the low-bar standards in a service agreement. That is what we do.

For example, we work closely with engineers who design new or enhanced parts, tools, or equipment. In those engagements, we don’t just advise them on coatings that will reduce incidents of metal failure. We develop in-depth knowledge of the items we’ll be working on and consider ways that the right coating can improve the performance and aesthetics of a product.

This approach can make the difference between a company getting by and getting ahead

Business Relationships and Reliability

Events of the last few years have shown everyone how fragile supply chains can be. But those challenges also have proven that the time and effort our company invests in developing and maintaining strong business relationships pay off. 

We have a network of suppliers and other contacts who value our business and, frankly, our friendship in the same way that we value them. Not surprisingly, when a supplier has to prioritize deliveries due to inventory challenges, their commitments to their best customers are a major factor in their decisions. 

Environmental Awareness: Enhancing Perceptions About Our Industry

Companies like ours use many types of chemicals in developing and applying precision coatings, such as thin dense chrome (TDC). Of course, there are environmental standards that we must meet, but we could save time and money if we set our sights on simply reaching the bare minimum requirements. And unfortunately, our industry has a reputation for having a negative impact on the environment as many of our competitors prioritize their bottom-line over any improvements for the environment. 

Fortunately for the environment and our customers, Armoloy’s desire to do things the right way extends to our earth-friendly practices. That means never settling for good enough. We stay on top of advances in environmental protection technology and procedures to ensure we are consistently exceeding government regulations and our customers’ expectations.    

Benchmarking Against the Industry’s Best

Another way that we optimize our operations is that we leverage the wealth of information captured in every step of our processes. Using this data, we can identify areas of improvement and set related goals. We also follow and participate in industry benchmarking initiatives and have been honored to be recognized for our business strategies and practices. 

Plus, staying connected with the many industries we serve ensures that we understand their challenges. That knowledge then positions us to help companies find creative solutions.   

From service and relationships to environmental responsibility and industry best practices, we focus on these things to benefit our company, of course, but also to give our customers a competitive edge. And in the end, everyone wins.

We’re always looking to continue to optimize and make a better experience for our customers. Reach out and share any constructive feedback or helpful ways of doing business you’ve seen that you think would benefit our partnerships.